Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Long enough...

So, I figured I had better start blogging again or I would never do it again. Life has just been so busy. Can't even begin to summarize the last month.
I guess the biggest news is that we are now a family of 7. Don't freak out anyone, I am not pregnant again! We have guardianship of our nephews. They are 8 and 13, so it brings a whole new dynamic to the house. Structure and consistency are what I keep reminding myself of. I try. I try. I try. But 5 kids.... Holy Moly as Jax would say. That is currently his favorite saying. Trying to keep the house clean is an absolute joke. That is all I can say, it is an absolute joke. Luckily, my mother-in-law has been to visit more frequently lately. She helps a lot when she is here. She claims the kitchen as her room and takes care of it quite well.
The next big news is that Jax is finally sleeping in his big boy bed all by himself! I had been eluding to the fact that he was going to have to do this when he turned 4. I started talking to him about it a lot the 2 weeks leading up to his birthday. He also received an electric off-road jeep thingy that came with instructions that said, "can only be used by big boys that sleep in their own beds the night before." Pretty silly, but it has worked. The first 2 to 3 nights were rough. I spent a lot of time on the floor next to him in his room. He does get up a few times here and there, but all in all it has gone fairly well. I wish everything else for him would turn out well. He is having a really hard time right now. I know there have been a lot of changes for him lately, so that has a lot to do with it. He was kicked out of school, the boys moved in, etc.... I just hope that things are going to settle down soon. We have an IEP in place for him at HeadStart in the fall and they seem very willing to work with him. We are following up with the developmental pediatrician in Ann Arbor and he is going to participate in a big evaluation program at U of M. We also will be starting his OT therapy and are looking into a camp for sensory and speech needs. If only we won the lottery it would make it a lot easier to get him the treatment he needs. It is unbelievable that the majority of insurance companies do not cover therapies for autistic children. Ugh!!!
Anywho, we are off in the morning to Castaway Cafe in Howell with the whole gang. Should be fun. We are meeting the Kornacki's. I just have to remember to pack the advil for the headache that will come.
For any of you people who read this to keep up with us, I promise to post some pics next time!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Here are some of the latest favorites. Aunt Carla yook the pics and mommy did the editing. I can't believe the twins are getting so big. It seems like yesterday that they were babies. I can't believe we survived those times either. Talk about a lot of work! I wouldn't trade it for the world. I feel blessed everyday to have such beautiful blessings in my life. They were definitely meant to be!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

So, since I'm sitting here at Sandi's and they are talking about how long it has been since I have blogged, I probably should take care of business. Lots of cute happenings lately. Last weekend we went to Thomas the Train at Greenfield Village. Such a fun time. The kids did such a good job. There were so many kids there screaming and throwing a fit. Proud to say that mine hung in there. I was exhausted by the end of the day. Several times you would see me walking along with a twin on each hip. It was nice that the grandmothers both came with and even Aunt Carla made a special appearance. Lots of cool pics. Of course I dressed all the kids the same with their Thomas t-shirts. I will try to post photos soon. Carla took one that tugged at my heart strings. Jax is climbing a tree. He looked so big in that picture. I can't believe he is going to be 4 in a few weeks. Seems just like yesterday I was giving birth to that 10lb. 4oz. toddler! I remember the feelings of being a new mother. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Today we were outside playing. Jax hooks the one push tricycle to the back of his bike and pretends to be a tow truck. It cracks me up, he calls the tricycle the broken one. Today he loaded up the triple wagon with what seemed to be half the garage and had me attach it to his bike. Talk about hilarious. At one point Hannah was riding in the back car even. He would just bike up and down the sidewalk. The thing was so long. I told him it looked like a train.
Later he was looking at one of our trees that is starting to bud and was all excited because he thought it was growing broccoli! The flower buds are in little bunches that look like little broccoli trees. How funny that my kids get so excited about vegetables.
Hanny B is still pedaling away on her tricycle. When she is not holding on to mommy for dear life. That child is stuck to me like glue. She is horrific when ever I try to do anything without her. In the meantime, Hunter has no interest in pedaling. He is my little Fred Flinstone. Just walks his cars and bikes wherever he is going. He walked his bike around the whole neighborhood when we went for a walk one day. He is my heart. He is doing this strange blinking thing right now. We have to take him for an EEG to make sure he is not having seizures. I don't think so, but they want to rule it out. He goes for an appointment with the eye doctor this week. I think it may be related to his lazy eye and visual field. We shall see.
Have a great Mother's Day!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I know I haven't posted in a month, but things have been busy with the move. I thought I would post some new favorite pictures of the kids. The best thing about living here is all the friends they have made. We are playing outside non-stop. I don't think we could be in a better place!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why are people so mean? I don't understand why people in society can be so judgemental and mean at times. They automatically assume the worst and go with it. Yesterday was not a good day for me. First I pick up Jax only to find out that one of the staff at daycare feels that he has BKS. Do you know what BKS is? She calls it Bratty Kid Syndrome. Well guess what folks he does not have BKS. UGH!! It drives me insane to have to deal with people's ignorance. Now I have been known to speak my mind at times. I am really trying to work on this. But, it is going to be very difficult for me to interact with this woman without saying anything. Luckily 2 of the other staff members walked out of the staff meeting after this happened. They were as furious as I am. But, this is my fear for him. My biggest deep down fear. I as a teacher see it everyday. Here we are looking at changing his daycare situation to something more structured and my fear is that no one will walk out at the new place. Meaning that people won't take the time to understand and love him. It is hard being a working mom and trusting the care of my kids to someone else. I spend only 2-3 hours a day with my kids awake during the week. They spend 8-9 hours. It just breaks my heart that Jax will run into this over and over again throughout his educational career.
Then, I ran a couple errands last night. Big problem getting in line at TJMAXX. The whole set-up is confusing and it was open in several different places. As I was getting in line this woman approaches from the left and I said I was sorry I didn't know she was in line. She said that was fine and to go ahead. Well then this couple that was walking behind me through the store came up behind her after a couple minutes. The lady asked if I was making a return. I said no. Then she says I was trying to cut in line in front of everyone. Dude, she wasn't even there when I got in line. I said I was not trying to do that. I explained the confusion. Her husband then said something about me making up excuses now that I was embarrassed. Which I was. I don't do things like that and to be accused was driving me insane. Thank goodness for kind strangers. Because at that point the lady in front of me said I could go in front of her. I mean this guy was out of control and that nearly put him over the edge. I told her it wasn't necessary and I wasn't trying to cheat anyone at all and would go to the end of the line if necessary. She said no I was to go in front of her. So the whole time I am in line, this guy and his wife are going off on me. I just ignored. When I left I turned and told the lady thank you again. Of course this put him over the edge even more. He was shouting at me still until I walked out the door.
I just don't get where people get off. Come on. Do people not realize there is so much else to be concerned about in this world? Why are people so judgmental and mean? UGH!
Anywho, kids are well. Hanny B has had 5 days in a row with no accidents at school! That girl is so strong headed. Both a blessing and a scary thing!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Super mom. That is what 2 different people have called me this week. I certainly don't feel like it. Wish I could. Always feeling like there is more to do and that I could always be better.
It is fun to see the kids interact when there is just 2 of them. Jaxon and one of the twins is always neat. Jaxon has been so caring towards them this week. It is funny how he chooses his favorite for the day. For that time he says he doesn't like the other one. I always ask him if he still loves them though. He always says yes. You can't force his emotions. Family members always ask him if he loves them and he mostly says, "No!" But then when he does show his emotion it is more than worth the wait. Yesterday on the way home, Jaxon was in the way back and he was reaching up to hold Hannah's hand. Not because she or he was upset. Just because. All the way home. It was so freaking cute! Of course I had to hold Hunter's hand. They were also having full blown conversations with each other. It cracks me up. Half the time I have no idea what they are saying, especially when it is the twins. I don't think Jax always knows what they are telling him, but he always responds and continues the conversation.
11 Days until spring-break. Can't wait! Getting ready to move. Slowly but surely. It will be interesting to see how the kids react to the new digs. They are all going to be in big kid beds. Kinda scary. Should make bedtime interesting....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What a whirlwind life is. Ant is having cataract surgery this morning and we have been so busy and stressed with other things I haven't even had a chance to worry. No big deal, I am sure he will be fine. Making progress in the Jaxon area. He is currently sleeping. Yep, sleeping. This is rare considering neither of us are in bed with him. Went to see an excellent doctor yesterday that specializes in combining holistic and regular medicine with unique kids. Jaxon is definitely unique. Dr. doesn't feel he is autistic. He feels there are sensory issues and a definite language problem, but doesn't feel like he is truly autistic. He exhibits the behaviors, but Dr. feels like we can clean those up. May be why more and more kids are being diagnosed autistic. Such a blessing to find a doctor to look at the whole picture. Did I mention he is sleeping? He slept through the whole night. Dr. gave us melatonin for him at bedtime. Seems to be doing the trick. We also have zinc, cod liver oil, probiotics, and vitamins. Anthony can't argue that the melatonin worked, so I am hoping this will help him accept the rest of the treatment plan. We have to go milk free with him for a month. I want to do this now, because I think it will be easier than gluten free before we move. When we move we will do gluten free.
By the way, we finally found a house. Can't believe how awesome it is. Will be signing the lease this weekend and moving over spring break. Lots of packing and cleaning to do. We will have the boys around the next few weekends to help.? Not sure if that is good or bad? Maybe a little of both. Love them dearly, but they tend to create more chaos instead of helping. Motivating Kamron is like pulling teeth from an elephant! Justin is doing better now. He is a big help with the little ones when we are trying to do something. They love their Justin.
Promise to post pictures of the latest happening in the Martinez house. Anthony was in the restroom upstairs when Jaxon was downstairs watching TV yesterday. BIG MISTAKE! Jaxon found daddy's trimmers. Need I say more. Jaxon is now a look-alike to his favorite cartoon character Caillou. Yep, completely bald. Unbelievable. I still don't know how to react. I catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye and it still freaks me out. Bless his heart. He says he didn't like long hair. Ha, ha!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Anthony's Turn

Today, Mom went home. This is going to be the first time for her since Dad passed. I had lunch with her today at Dos Pesos, it is the family's favorite mexican restaruant, Dad didnt like it for some reason. However, since his passing I realize it might of had to do with his Brother In Law. Since, is BIL's sister and husband own the place and Dad really didnt care to much for his BIL. Dad was funny like that. But only if he knew what he was missing, he might of overlooked his difference's with BIL.

While, at lunch today. Mom gave me a pocket watch that was given to my Dad, by his Father. Dad had planned on getting it fixed and giving it to me. While I was there I changed the time and wond it up. Low and behold it worked! I told Mom if Dad was here and I told him that it worked he would have said "Well I didnt know!" That was one of his favorite sayings, along with "You didnt tell me!" I'm just sitting here, thinking how much I miss Dad. I dont think I ever told him that I loved him. Dad never talked much about his feelings with us(his children) so I figured it was okay all right with him, if I kept my feelings to myself. So, I guess if you have someone that you truely love you should tell them once every now and then. Since, we never know how long someone will be around.

Today, Heather woke up late. So I had to take the kids to Daycare, some probably think. Why do they even have to go, since I dont work. Well the short story, I have become disabled from a car accident and those disabilites prevent the kids from staying home with me all day everyday. Anyways, as we arrived. Jaxon and Hunter took off towards the school, Hannah wanted to be carried, but I made her walk. Since I dont want her to get spoiled ;) Normally, when I drop them off they will get upset, but not today! Since they where having breakfast, the twins sat down and started to eat. Jaxon was a little upset, I thought I was going to be able to get him to accept that I was needing to leave. Since sometimes I'm able to do that, but thats about 2 out of 10 times.

The family will be home soon, so I need to go and do some chores. Mr. Mom :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

I was tagged on Carla's blog so here goes:A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.C: At the end of the post, the player then tag 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 years ago: It was 1998 so I was 24. I was working for Rainbow still. Think I was living in Ypsi. Probably with Anthony or maybe about to go on break with him. Didn't have a care in the world, or at least looking back I shouldn't have. Life can change a lot in 10 years.

Things on my to-do list today: Argue with AP special-ed director about Jax program, take care of things on my never ending to do list at work including lesson planning and paperwork for 3 meetings tomorrow, go to mom's to cut Sabrina's nails, get some groceries for the house, do bath night, clean up dinner, and I'm thinking that tonight is an ice-cream night!

What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire: First I would quit my job and stay home with my kids, then I would pay off all the bills for me and my family and closest friends, I would build a compound/subdivision for my family and friends to live in (kinda creepy like Michael Jackson, but it would be fun), buy a scrapbook store and hire people to work there, and I would donate lots of money to autism research to find a cure for this crazy epidemic!!!

3 of my bad habits: biting my fingernails, biting off more than I can chew in life, wanting to know everything

3 places I have lived: Novi, MI. Grass Lake, MI, Allen Park, MI.

5 jobs that I have had: Cashier(KMart), Facility/Case Manager at Rainbow Rehab., scrapbook store employee, volunteer program coordinator, paraprofessional, special education teacher

5 things people don't know about me: growing up I wanted to be a lawyer, I have always kept up on General Hospital since the age of 7 (I know sick and wrong, but babysitter watched it), I was actually named after a character on GH and my son Jax is as well, my feet are always facing a certain way when I am sitting on the toilet (my husband makes fun of this), I am finally getting tenured at work after 5 years!

I´m tagging:
crazy, busy weekend. I felt like this weekend was non-stop. Friday was a night out with the girls. Met Lyndsay's friend Jenny. So sweet. So pregnant. Miss that. When I got home at 10pm Jax says, "Where Lyndsay?" So cute how they all love to see her. Saturday was wedding day. Bobby and Brianna were married. Such a sweet, loving, happy couple. Brought up some feelings. They were high school sweethearts and people talked so much about all they have been through. Their love reminds me of what Anthony and I were like pre-accident. I told Brianna cherish it always, cause you never know. Some wild events at the reception. So needed that fun time. Stressing big time about where and when we are moving. UGH!!! Have a new lead on one in Southgate although probably too good to be true. Sunday was Mia's 4th birthday party. Mia is Jaxon's future bride. Love to see them together. Jax did such a good job. I was so proud of him. It's funny how much I worry about events like this, never knowing how he will react. I don't even think there was one single meltdown. Found out that he likes to bead things. Will be heading to Michael's to get some beading projects. The twins were hilarious. Hunter found a girlfriend, or should I say a girl found him. Kerry's cousin's daughter Jessie walked right up to him and hugged him when she saw him. Then she proceeded to take his hand and try to leave with him. This happened several times. He just went along with whatever she wanted. He is going to be such a good husband some day! hee hee! Hanny B is such a GIRL!!! She decorated her own crown all by herself. When I went to help, she was furious with me to even suggest she needed any assistance. Lots of bling on her crown! Can't wait til we can craft together. Kerry always goes overboard in the party gifts. Hanny got a Disney princess purse filled with girly princess things. So funny to see her loving it all. Oh, and one last thing... the little blow toys were the biggest hit ever. It was so cute to see them all figure out how to make them work. Well speaking of work, I should go get ready and start the week. Lots of meetings and issues this week. UGH!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

So glad I found this photo. After searching to no avail for a picture of myself for the blog profile, I came across this wonderful moment. I love seeing the look on papa's face with Jaxon. This was at Kamrons 6th birthday party. Jax was just 3 months old. I am so sad that my children will not have memories of their papa. This photo means the world to me.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pretty good weekend. Great scrapbook class with Melodee Langworthy and mom-in-law. Went to visit Carla. Had some one on one time with Jax. It is hard to know what is best for him right now. Trying to get everything organized for his schooling and therapies. Didn't ever think I would be here. He had a good day today. Can be so loving and caring at times. Makes it hard to understand the bad times. Can't believe Hanny B is potty trained. Hunter is so independent right now. They grow up too fast!!!